Завдання та вправи

Завдання для 6 класу

I Open the brackets using the correct tense form of the verb:
1While Nick (to read) the magazine, James (to do) his homework.
2 When we (to enter)the room, the children ( to play) hide-and-seek.
3 When John (to come) home tomorrow, he (to watch) TV.
4 Hi,Nick! How long you (to be) here?- 3days, I (to come) here last Monday.
5 How long she (to work) in this bank?
6 You ever ( to be) to the greenhouse?
7 Mrs Brown (to teach) English since 1995.
8 Mary can`t answer the phone, she (to wash up) at the moment.
9 If the weekend (to be) cold, we (not to go) to the skating-rink.

II Make the right choice: its\it`s, such\so, participle I\II:
1 Many people admire England for (it`s\its) beautiful scenery.
2 I like London. (It`s\its) a beautiful city.
3 My granny makes (such\so) tasty toast!
4 Autumn mornings are (such\so) misty!
5 The boy (playing\played) the guitar is my brother.
6 Everybody looked at the (dancing\danced) girl.
7 The coat (buying\bought) last year is too small for him now.
8 Many ancient towns had strong walls (defending\defended) their inhabitants.

III Use articles where it`s necessary:
1 What __ deep knowledge!
2 How brave __ officer is!
3 What __ golden sunshine!
4 What __ beautiful rainbow!
5 How green __hedges are!
6 What __polite children they are!

IV Open the brackets using Complex Object:
1She didn`t want ( we\ to come\late).
2 Tom expects (they\ to answer\question\this).
3 Mary wants ( children\all\to laugh).
4 I would like ( you\the English language\to know\well).

Время на выполнение теста – 40 минут.
1.      Составь из данных слов предложение и запиши его:
1.  Look! playing/ They/ football/ are/ the .
2. Has/ cleaning/ room/ she/ finished/ her?
3. I/ learning/ languages/ like/foreign
4. London/ city/ largest/ the/ in/ is/ world.
5. are/ a lot of/ books/ There/ library/ in/ our/ school.
2. Поставь глаголы в нужной временной форме:
1. I …. this magazine  yesterday. (read)
2. We … not… the Christmas dinner yet. ( take)
3.  We … the street now. (cross)
4. Vegetarians …. not… meat. (eat)
5. Next year we … … to Egypt. (go)
3. Добавьте один из суффиксов (-er, -r, -ian, -ist, -man) к словам, чтобы образовалось название профессии. Переведите образовавшиеся слова.
  1. music (музыка)                                 8. science (наука)
  2. journal (журнал)                                9. art (искусство)
  3. post (почта)                                      10. sports (спорт)      
  4. drive (водить машину)                      11. manage (управляться)
  5. reception (встреча)                           12. photograph (фотография)
  6. electric (электрический)                    13. interpret (переводить)
  7. politics (политика)                             14. build (строить)

4. Подбери правильную реплику и напиши букву выбранного ответа.
1.      Do you like milk? A. Yes I did. B. No, I don’t.
2.      How are you? A. I am fine. B. And you?
3.      How old is he? A. I am 12. B. He is 12.
4.      Would you like some more tea? A. Oh, thank you. B. Yes, I like tea.
5.      Hello! This is Linda. A. And me. B. Hi!

Тренувальні вправи

Переведите предложения используя таблицу.
1. Эти животные никогда не ели конфет.
2. Наша учительница уже приходила в гости к своим ученикам.
3. Они только что прочитали эту книгу.
4. Её родители никогда не путешествовали по Америке.
5. Собака уже убежала.
6. Их бабушка только что испекла торт.
7. Мы только что побывали в зоопарке.
8. Мои друзья уже купили мороженое.
They                              been        to the Zoo                                                                                                                                                        
We                                  visited        a cake                                                                                                                                    
My friends                  already     made        about America
Their Granny        have     never      travelled      this book                                       
Our teacher         has      just        eaten        the ice-cream                    
Her parents                             read          her pupils                                          
The dog                                run away      sweets                                                                                      
These animals                           bought                              
 Измените предложения, используя данный образец.
Read the book! - I have already read the book!
1. Take your puppy for a walk!
2. Write a letter to Tom!
3. Clean the parrot's cage!
4. Feed your pet!
5. Join the Zoological Society!
6. Buy a good watchdog!

Заполните пропуски артиклями the/a/an , если это необходимо.
1. I did't invite _____Blacks to my birthday party.
2. Woul you like ____ apple?
3. ____ Russian Federation is the biggest country in the world.
4. What is ____ best pupil in your class.
5. Nobody lives in _____ Red Square.
6. _____ Atlantic Ocean is between ____ America fnd ___ Europe.
7. I have got ____ pony and six dogs.

 Какое слово лишнее?
1. ice-cream, lollipop, sandwich, meat, cafe
2. artist, scientist, light, interpreter, lawyer
3. the West, the North, the Thames, the East, the South
4. the Moon, the Alps, the Sun, the Earth, the Mars
5. lunch, museum, restaurant, gallery
6. the Baltic Sea, the Neva, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caucasus
7. loving, intelligent, polite, friendly, uglу

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски правильными ответами.
            It was a nice spring day. The sun was high in the sky. The sky was blue. In the centre of London a policeman saw a man with a big lion. They were walking down the street.
            “Hey, you!” cried the policeman. “What are you doing here with this lion? You can’t walk around London with a lion! Take it to the Zoo! ”
            “OK, officer. Now I want to show Baby the town, then I will take him to the Zoo!”
            He opened the door of his car and the lion jumped in. The car went away.
            The next day the policeman saw the man with the lion again. “I told you yesterday to take the lion to the Zoo!” said the policeman angrily.
            “Oh, I did, officer. I took Baby to the Zoo. He liked in very much. But today I am taking him to the cinema.”
1.      It was a nice ________ . (winter day/ spring evening/day/summer night)
2.      The policeman saw the man and the lion in the _______ (park/street/Zoo/car)
3.      Baby was a _______ (baby/lion/officer/man)
4.      The man had a ______ as a pet (baby/big cat/policeman/lion)
5.      The lion visited _______ . (the Zoo/the swimming pool/the park/Africa)
6.      The policeman was _______ when he saw the man and the lion again. (happy/tired/angry/hungry)

I.                   Найдите в тексте предложения примеры времён Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple и Future Simple.
II.                Найдите в тексте слова и выражения:
Высоко в небе, центр Лондона, по улице, дверь своей машины, на следующий день, снова, отвести льва в зоопарк, сказал полицейский со злостью.
Найдите лишнее слово.
1.      Capital, city, town, museum, school
2.      Building, cinema, theatre, tower, palace
3.      London, Paris, Russia, Moscow
4.      Wall, roof, house, window, door
5.      Square, street, bridge, farm, park
6.      Hospital, shop, stadium, legend, street
I. Пронумеруйте фразы так, чтбы получился разговор Кейт и Ненси.
1     Hello, this is Nancy.
__ Sorry I can't. My friend Ann is arriving from Leeds at about 12 for the weekend.
__ I'm fine, thank you. Well, a lot but I think it will be OK if we have a picnic in the park.
__ Great idea! We are having a wonderful day tоday. There is a nice park near my house. Let's go there!
__ Can we invite her to join us? I'll be responsible for the sandwiches and sweets.
__ Hi, Nancy! How are you? Any plans for the weekend?
__ Not a bad idea. What if we meet near our house at 12 o'clock?
__ Fantastic! I'll take some drinks and rackets to play badminton.
II. Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания.
в парке, хорошая идея, возле дома, ответственный за, пригласить, присоединиться, замечательный день, красивый парк,  планы на выходные, не плохая идея, ракетки для игры в бадминтон.

Международная олимпиада по английскому языку среди 1 – 4 классов «We speak English»

Задания для 4 класса


Посчитай количество гласных и согласных букв. Запиши количество гласных и согласных.

Y j c O a e J U A q n u o i R Q y



Расшифруй слово, скрытое в математических выражениях. Запиши это слово.
3 + u = 5
1 + e = 6
n + 3 = 4
b + 3 = 7
3 + m = 6
2 + r = 8



Отгадай слово и запиши его.
Две первые буквы этого слова являются одним из сочетаний с буквой «h». Три следующие буквы этого слова совпадают по звучанию со старым названием глаза на русском языке.

Четыре последние буквы - слово, противоположное по значению слову «early».



What square is the Centre of London? Запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.
А) Times Square                  
Б) Red Square                     
В) Trafalgar   Square   



Вставь dd, ss, tt, bb, rr, pp в слова. Какая пара букв лишняя? Напиши её.
li_____le       gla___          ha____y        so_____y


В каком слове не прячется название животного? Запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.
А) catch
Б) house
В) pirate


Если номера слева расположить в порядке убывания и сложить части слов справа в единое целое, то можно прочитать английскую пословицу. Напиши ее.


В задании 7 ты разгадал пословицу. Переведи ее на русский язык и запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.
А) Мой дом –моя крепость.
Б) Дом – полная чаша.
В) Нет места лучше дома.


Антонимы по-английски. Соотнеси пары слов, имеющих противоположное значение и запиши по схеме: цифра – буква.

1)      cold
2)      short
3)      good
4)      beautiful
5)    right
А) ugly
Б) left
В) long
Г) bad
Д) warm


Месяцы какого времени года перечислены? November, September, October. Запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.
А) Summer
Б) Spring
В) Winter
Г) Autumn


Ассоциации. Какое слово должно быть вместо знака вопроса? Запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.
Chicken – yellow = wolf – ?
А) Grey
Б) Orange
В) Red
Г) Green



Представь, что к вам на урок английского языка пришел человек определённой профессии. В своём рассказе о работе он использовал слова tractor, animals, village, field.

Определи профессию этого человека и запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.

А) Policeman
Б) Farmer
В) Doctor
Г) Singer



Ты увидел радугу. Какой цвет в радуге и в Англии, и в России находится по середине? Запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.

А) Blue
Б) Red
В) Green
Г) Orang


Мама попросила тебя сходить в магазин. Какой товар ты не сможешь купить в продуктовом отделе? Запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.

А) Biscuits
Б) Clothes
В) Bread
Г) Cheese



Ребята играли в игру, где нужно было называть слова по определенной теме. Одно слово было названо ошибочно. Определи лишнее слово и запиши букву, соответствующую правильному ответу.
А) Hand
Б) Nose
В) Mouth
Г) Face 

GRAMMAR TEST ( the 5-th Form )

I. Choose the correct item.

1.Sally has two _______ -a boy and a girl.

a) child’s        b) child     c) children

2.There are _____ people in the garden.

a) much          b) many     c) a lot of

3.Would you like ____ cup of tea?
a) a                 b) some       c) an

4.She went home two hours _____.
a) now            b) ago          c) then

5.How _____ sisters have you got?
a) much         b) many        c) a lot of

6.My mother’s hair is very long. ____ hair is beautiful.
a) Her           b) His            c) Hers

7.I have known him _____ five years.
a) since         b) for             c) ago

8._____ did you phone her? This morning.
a) Who         b) When         c) Why

9. I woke up ten minutes ______.
a)  ago           b) for               c) since

10._____ do you visit Ann? Every Friday.
a) Why         b) How often     c) Who

11. My birthday is ___ August.
a)  in               b) on               c)at
12. I haven’t made my bed _______.
a)  since        b) for          c) yet

13. She _______ dance at the party because her leg was broken.
a) must        b) can’t        c) couldn’t

14. Frank is _____ student in our class.
a) the worse    b) worse then    c) the worst

15. I will meet you _____ ten o’clock.
a) at          b) on        c) in

16. A rabbit is _________ than a lion.
a) smallest    b) smaller      c) the smallest

17. She’s famous singer. She ______ sing very well.
a) must        b) can        c) can’t

18. I haven’t got ______ time.
a) many       b) a lot of     c) much

19.Sam didn’t do his homework _____ the teacher was angry.
a) because     b) so       c) but

20.Tom passed his exams ______ he studied hard.
a) because      b) so       c) but

21.If he _____ time, he will phone us.
a) has     b) have      c) will have

22.If I were you, I _____ to the party on Sunday.
a) will go     b) went     c) would go

23.If my father is free tomorrow, we_____ to the theatre.
a) will go     b) go       c) would go

II. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense.                             

1.Last year we__________ (to work) very much.

2.Look! Jane __________ (to swim) across the river.

3.When Nick _________ (to come) home yesterday, his mother  ________ (to cook) dinner in the kitchen.

4.Mike ___________ (not to eat) ice-cream every day.

5.I just______ (to see) Jack.

6. ______you (to be) in London last year?

7.Where _____ your granny______ (to live)?

8.______he ever ______ (to be) to the USA?

9.Yesterday they ___________ (not to play) football.

10.What _____ you _______ (to do) at 5 o’clock yesterday?
-         I ____________ (to work) in the library.

11._____ your sister _________ (to study) at the university?
-         No, she_________ (to study) at school.

12.What _____ you _______(to write) tomorrow?

13.They __________ (not to come) yet.

14.I ______________ (not to watch T.V.) at the moment.

15.It _________(to be) warm next week.

Grammar Test ( the 1- st ) Form

                               1.Fill in the blanks:
                   am            is          are   
1)    My mother _____  a doctor.

2)    I ____ seven.

3)    My friends _____ pupils.

4)    Suzy and Bill ____ children.

5)     She _____ my friend.

6)     You ____  at school.

7)     A book ____  on the table.

8)     Rulers _____ in the pencil case.   

 2. Fill in: “ There is “ or “ There are “.

1)    ________ a cat on the tree.

2)    ________ two boys in the class.

3)    ________ pens in the bag.

4)    ________ a pink book on the table.

5)    ________ black cats under the chair.

Grammar Test ( the 6-th ) Form

1.Fill in the prepositions:

1)    We shell meet __ Tuesday.
2)    I didn’t go to school ___ last Friday.
3)     Nick will meet his friend __ next Sunday.
4)    Don’t laugh __ old people.
5)    Usually I sleep __ night.
6)    I watch T.V. __ the evening.
7)    I have my birthday __ the 25-th of April.
8)    __ this year I have my winter holidays ___ January.
9)    I was born __ 1992.
10)         I speak English __ English class ( __ the English lessons ).
11)         My friend draws __ pencil very well.
12)         How many subjects do you have __ your timetable?
13)         What do you see __ the picture?
14)         Look __ him! He is funny.
15)         I was late __ school yesterday.
16)         We are going to the zoo. Join ___ us.
17)         I can count __ one __ twenty.
18)         My mother did a lot of work ___ the house yesterday.

                          2. Tags Questions:
1)    There is a table in his room, ______?
2)     We haven’t got any flowers, ______?
3)    A girl reads a book every day, _____?
4)    I couldn’t read when I was three, ____?
5)    Children will do their homework tomorrow, _____?
6)    You mustn’t speak in class, ______?
7)    My friend was at school, _____?
8)    The man saw a beautiful house, _____?
9)    She’s got a lot of friends, _____?

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

1.She never ( eat ) meat. She’s a vegetarian.
2.- Where is Tom?
-         He ( water ) the flowers in the garden.
3. When he ( move ) the new house?
4. I just ( call ) the doctor.
5. How long you ( have ) this car?
6. Last night my husband ( watch ) T.V.
7. We ( leave ) New York tomorrow.
8. He said he never ( be ) to Rome.
9.She said we ( meet ) later.
10.If I ( go ) on a diet, I’ll lose weight.

4.Turn from Active into Passive.

1.My friend sent me an invitation.
2.They speak English in Great Britain and the USA.
3.Who discovered America?
4.She doesn’t keep money in a safe.
5.Where do they sell the newspapers?

5.Choose the correct item of the pronouns:

1.This is Tom’s/Mary’s car. It’s her/hers.
2.He can fix the car him/himself.
3.This is my/mine sister.
4.There is a few/a little water in a glass.
5.Give me any/some sugar, please.
6.John! Some/someone wants you on the phone.
7.You didn’t put many/much salt in the soup.
8.Is there many/any ice-cream left?
9.There are a few/a little biscuits left.
10.Some old people talk to there/themselves.

Grammar Test ( the 7-th  Form )
                  Put the Verb in the Right Tense:

1)      -What you ( to do ) here? – I ( to wait ) for a friend.
2)      He ( to speak ) French? – Yes, he ( to speak ) French very fluently.
3)      My brother ( to be ) in hospital. He ( to be ) there for ten days.
4)      I ( to know ) Jack well. – Since when you ( to know ) him?
-         I ( to know ) him since 1940.
5)      You ( to read ) that book yet? – No, I only just ( to begin ) it.
6)      When the delegation ( to arrive ) in Kyiv? It ( to arrive ) yesterday.
7)      He ( to sit ) in the garden when the storm ( to begin ).
8)      Before he ( to enter ) the Institute, he ( to work ) at a plant.
9)      I ( to wait ) for you at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
10) I hope the next mail ( to bring ) news from home.
11) That man ( to teach ) in this school since 1985.
12) He said that he ( to go ) to the theatre the previous week.
13) I’ll ( to phone ) you when he ( to arrive ) in Kyiv.
14) -You ( to work ) at 5 o’clock tomorrow? – No, I (to work ) at 5 o’clock yesterday.
15) I said I ( to meet ) him the day before.
16) Mother ( to cook ) dinner before Nick came back home from school.
17) The letter ( to bring ) by the postman last week.
18) She asked if I already ( to write ) the exercise.
19) The potatoes ( to grow ) in our farm-lands next year.
20) He ( to wake up ), ( to stretch ) slowly and ( to go ) to the bathroom.
21) Flowers ( to water ) by us every day.

Grammar Test ( the 8–th ) Form

             1. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.

         One summer morning Meeks ( to come ) ___1___  from the West to New York to find his sister. She ( to be ) ____2____ Mrs. Mary Snyder, a widow, aged 52, who ( to live ) ___3____  for a year in a tenement house in a crowded district.     
         At her address somebody ( to tell ) ___4____ him that Mary ( to move ) ___5___ away longer than a month before. No one
( can / tell )___6___ him her new address.   
         On coming out of the house Mr. Meeks ( to address ) ___7____
a policeman who ( to stand ) ___8____ on the corner, and ( to explain) _____9____ his difficulty to him. “ I ( recently/ to make ) ___10____ a lot of money and I’d like to help Mary as soon as possible”, he
( to add ) ___11___. The policeman ( to pull ) ___12____ his moustache and ( to tell ) ___13_____ Meeks about Juggins. He ( to say ) ___14____ that Juggins ( to be ) ____15____ the leader of a new school of detectives. “ Juggins ( to solve ) ____16____ some very difficult cases. I ( to take ) ____17_____ you to him”, the policeman said.
         “ If I ( to find ) ____18____ your sister, you ( to pay ) ___19____ me two hundred dollars. I ( to try ) ____20____ to solve your case. The disappearance of people in the city is the most interesting problem I ( ever, to work at ) _____21_____”, ( to say ) ____22____ the famous detective, ( to rise ) ____22____  and ( to put on ) ____23____ his hat.
         In fifteen minutes Juggins ( to return ) ____24_____ holding a little piece of paper with Mary’s new address. After Meeks ( to pay ) ____25____ his bill, he ( to ask ) ___26____ the detective what he   
( to do ) ___27___.

2.Write five questions to the text.

6 Form Complex Object

1.Put “to” where necessary.

1.The doctor made me….........take the medicine.

2.The patient was made …….. take the medicine.

3.My parents won’t let me…. come to your place.
4.I won’t be allowed………... come to your place.
5.Let me ………………. concentrate on my work.
6.Nobody wants him ………climb this rocky path.

2.Translate the sentences into English.

1.Я хочу, чтобы она ушла.
2.Анне хотелось бы, чтобы мы пошли в кино.
3.Никто не хочет, чтобы она играла в футбол.
4.Мама не позволяет мне смотреть телевизор вечером.
5.Дайте мне немного подумать.
6.Бабушка никогда не заставляет нас мыть посуду.

3.Correct the mistakes.

1.I want you translate this poem.

2.I want he is a loving brother.

3.The teacher made we to learn the poem by heart.

4.Let she stay with us  for a week.

5.My mother wouldn’t like that all my school friends  will come to me.

6.Shakespeare’s wife didn’t want that William would become an actor.

Англійська мова

3 клас

Варіант 1

Завдання 1. Вибрати правильне слово.

1)I am from ______ .
A Ukraine                     B Ukrainian                  C British                    D American
2) He ______ a big family.
A have got                    B has got                       C am                          D is
3) She ______ ten.
A am                             B are                              C is                            D has
4) How many ______ have you got?
A relatives                    B brother                        C sister                      D cousin

Завдання 2. Зєднати дві частини речення.

1)I don’t like pizza                                                    a) a farmer.
2) He gets up                                                             b) at 7 o’clock.
3) Let’s                                                                      c) for breakfast.
4) My father is                                                           d) read a book.

Завдання 3. Вибрати правильне слово.

1)This is Kate. ______ is sixteen.
A He                              B She                              C I                             D They
2) I always play football ______ Sunday.
A on                               B in                                 C at                           D for
3) Bill is ______ his father now.
A helping                       B help                             C reading                   D read
3) ______ you like cheese?
A Does                           B Has                              C Have                      D Do
Завдання для 3 класу

Задание 1

Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be  (am, are, is)

1.       They______ not policemen. They_____ managers.
2.       My friends____________busy at school.
3.       Mrs. Paw_________not working now. She_____singing.
4.       _____ you thirsty? – Yes, I______
5.       This T-shirt______too big.
6.       ______these cups new? – No, they_________not.
7.       _______you hungry? – Yes, I______
8.       Jane______ a doctor, she______not a firefighter.
9.       _______your brothers at home? – No, they________not
10.    She_____busy. .
11.    Those lions________strong.
12.    These tigers________very big. Their tails_____very long.
13.    My bag________ very heavy.
Задание 2
Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be  (was, were)
1.       Who______ at the cinema yesterday. – We _______
2.       My friends _______ in London last year
3.       These doctors_________ the best last year
4.       That cheese _____ fresh.
5.       _______ you at work at 6 o`clock yesterday?
6.       They____busy. We couldn`t start to work.
7.       Why_____she happy? – She_____happy, because she won the competition
8.       There______ a sandwich on the plate. Where is ti now?
Задание 3
Раскройте скобки
1.       These books (be) not very interesting.
2.       Yesterday we (take) a photo of a crocodile at the Zoo.
3.       Paris (be) the capital of France
4.       My parents (give) me a dog as a presents for my birthday last year.
5.       Look! The cat (climb) a tree!
6.       There (be)  big trees in the garden 2 years ago
7.       They (go) to school 5 days a week.
8.       I (be)  thirsty! Let`s drink some milk
9.       The soup (be) very hot. I cannot eat it.
10.    My mother usually (cook)  soup for dinner
11.    I (bake) very tasty pancakes yesterday.
12.    Their  names (be) Jack and Jill.  They (be) twins..
13.    My favorite dish (be) pizza. I always (eat) pizza on Sunday
14.    We (draw) a big picture yesterday
15.    My sister (write) a letter now.
16.    She (can) skate well


Англійська мова
5 клас
Варіант 1
Task 1. Choose the correct item.

1)Ann ______ a new bike.
A has got                    B is                           C can                          D have
2) Tom ______ to the supermarket yesterday.
A is going                   B goes                      C go                            D went
3) Kate ______ a book at the moment.
A read                         B is reading             C has read                   D reads
4) The children ______ TV at 6 p.m. yesterday.
A watch                      B was watching       C watched                   D were watching

Task 2. Match the beginnings and the endings.

1. Reading is something …                                          a) … my list of likes.
2. Swimming is in …                                                   b) … favourite pastime.
3. Music is my …                                                         c) … your hobby?
4. What’s …                                                                 d) … I can’t do without.

Task 3. Choose the correct item.

1)The bus is ______ than train.
A slowest                      B slow                         C slower                         D more slower
2) Are there ______ eggs in the fridge?
A much                         B some                        C any                              D an
3) We always have milk ______ the evening.
A at                               B in                              C on                                D for
4) Is Ben from ______ USA?
A  ----                            B an                             C the                               D a       
Вы проходите тест на уровень Elementary — элементарный либо базовый уровень.
1. Anna and Kate _________ to the cinema last Sunday.
A) didnt went B) dont go C) didnt go

2. I had breakfast ________ ago.
A) this morning B) three hours C) 7.30 a.m.

3. When _____ you last _______ tennis?
A) did/play B) do/play C) did/played

4. ______ you like _______ coffee?
A) do/any B) are/some C) would/some

5. There isnt ________milk in the fridge.
A) many B) much C) a

6. Have you got _________ brothers?
A) some B) any C) the

7. The buildings in Venice are __________ the buildings in New York.
A) older than B) more older than C) much old than

8. Vienna is __________ city in Austria.
A) the most beautiful B) the beautiful lest C) more beautiful than

9. This restaurant is very, very good. It's __________ restaurant in London.
A) the better B) the good C) the best

10. I ________ a jumper and a jacket because it's cold today.
A) wear B) 's wearing C) 'm wearing

11. ________ Jim _____ today?
A) Do / work B) Is / working C) Does / works

12. Look, it's very cloudy. It __________ .
A) 's going to rain B) rainy C) raining

13.When _____ Polly _____ with her friend in Madrid?
A) does / going to stay B) — / is going to stay C) is / going to stay

14. I'm going to Egypt ___________ the pyramids.
A) seeing B) to see C) going to see

15. _________ did you buy your jacket?' 'At a shop in town.'
A) When B) Why C) Where

16. 'How much did you pay for your book?' ____________
A) £8.50 B) Hewitt's Bookshop C) To read some Shakespeare

17. ______ you ever _____ Mexican food?
A) Have / eat B) Have / ate C) Have / eaten

18. Olivia __________ to Rome.
A) has never been B) has ever been C) hasn't never been

19. 'I've met Robbie Williams.' 'When __________ ?'
A) have you met B) did you met him C) did you meet him

20. Raquel and James have _______ had a baby.
A) yet B) just C) ever

21. Has Nigel cooked dinner _____ ?
A) yet B) ever C) just

22. ________ 's the weather like in Mexico City?
A) low B) What C) Which

23. My grandmother started work ________1960.
A) in B) by C) on

24. It's snowyplease drive _____ .
A) carefully B) easily C) careful

25. Let's go for a ______ swim.
A) quick B) badly C) well
1.Do you _________ work on Sundays
A) have to B) must C) should

2.I dont think you _______stay out late
A) must B) should C) shouldnt

3.You _______bring anything special to the party.
A) dont have to B) must C) should

4. Naomi will get in touch ______she hears any news.
A) as soon as B) while C) until

5. Please look after the children ____I get home from work.
A) Until B) if C) while

6. If I _____ some money, Ill go on holiday next year.
A)ll save B) saved C) save

7. Will your parents buy you a car if you finish university?’_____’.
A) No, wont B) No, they dont C) No, they wont

8. Before I go out tonight, I ______ finish this work.
A)m going to B) going to C) am

9. Do you want to go ______?
A) dancing B) to dance C) dance

10. Is coffee ___ in Kenya?
A) grew B) grown C) grow

11. Since 2001, all Skoda cars ______ by Volkswagen.
A) were produced B) are produced C) have been produced

12. ‘Is a lot of paper wasted in your office? ‘____’.
A) a. Yes, it was B) Yes, it is. C) Yes, it has

13.If I _____ a famous person, I wouldnt know what to say.
A) meet B) didnt meet C) met

14. They ______ more money if they saved a little every month.
A) would have B) will have C) would had

15. If you ____ me, what would you do?
A) are B) like C) were

16. Emma is very busy so she _______ come to the party. She hasnt decided yet.
A) mustnt B) shouldnt C) might not

17. Ed is tired because he ______ all night.
A) hasnt worked B) has been working C) is working

18. Youve got a lot of bags. ____ you _____?
A) Do / go shopping? B) Have / been shopping C) Have / shopped

19. Dan was taken to hospital because he _____ his leg.
A) breaks B) has broken C) had broken

20. ‘Had they met Kathy before the party‘. ‘Yes, ______’.
A) she had B) they had C) they did

21. Could you _____ me a favour and look after the children after school, please?
A) make B) get C) do

22. Naples is _____ an exciting city.
A) so B) such C) very

23. Lily gave _____her job and traveled round the would.
A) over B) away C) up

24. John doesnt _____ much money as a waiter.
A) win B) take C) earn

25. Can you _____ a photo of us, please?
A) make B) take C) do
Вы проходите тест на уровень Intermediate — вы должны грамотно общаться на различные бытовые темы, знать формы глаголов и иметь хороший словарный запас.
1. I _______ the Star Wars films.
A) have never seen B) have ever seen C) have never saw

2. They_____ for Google_____2004.
A) worked / for B)ve worked / since C)re working / since

3. ____Neil_____ that he didnt get the job?
A) Did / tell B) Have / told C) Has / been told

4. If you ______ that expensive car, you ___ enough money to go on holiday.
A) buy / wont have B) bought / dont have C) dont buy / wont have

5. What ____ if you ____a mobile phone?
A) will you do / havent B) would you did / had C) would you do / didnt have

6. Alison has worked for a month without a day offshe ________be exhausted.
A) might B) must C) cant

7. I know he speaks French, German and Italian so he ________ be Swiss.
A) cant B) could C) should

8. Hundreds of trees were blown over in the night so the wind _______have been very strong.
A) cant B) could C) must

9. “Im not very sociable. ______.”
A) I dont B) So am I C) Neither am I

10. “Sorry Im late. _____for a long time?”
A) Have you waited B) Are you waiting C) Have you been waiting

11. Leos French isnt very good. He ____it for very long.
A) has been learning B) hasnt been learning C) hasnt learned

12. Ellen ____ that she needs to do more exercise.
A) has been realizing B) is realized C) has realized

13. Henry worked for the bank ____ 2001 and 2006.
A) between B) while C) until

14. Could you tell me where ______ ?
A) the library is B) is the library C) if the library

15. Do you know ______ this train goes to Cardiff?
A) does B) if C) how

16. Its lovely day, ______?
A) is it B) does it C) isnt it

17. John ______ your school, wasnt he?
A) was at B) went to C) wasnt at

18. The interviewer asked _____ drive.
A) can I B) if I could C) if I was

19. The dentist _______to make another appointment.
A) told B) said me C) told me

20. The police officer ____ the robber to put down his gun and put his hands above his head.
A) ordered B) advised C) reminded

21. Youll need to ____ an answer to this problem.
A) get on with B) run out of C) come up with

22. I want to watch the television news. Could you _______ , please?
A) look it up B) turn it on C) look for it

23. You must try that restaurant. The food is _______.
A) very delicious B) absolutely delicious C) absolutely tasty

24. We are hated the filmit was really ____ .
A) hilarious B) superb C) awful

25. The kids ____over the garden wall to get their football back.
A) climbed B) hugged C) chewed
1. You ________ worry so much, youll make yourself ill.
A) must B) shouldnt C) cant

2. Joe ________ think of a good excuse for being late.
A) shouldnt B) mustnt C) couldnt

3. Stella"s _______ be promoted because she works hard.
A) allowed to B) bound to C) manage to

4. My mother _________ is in Argentina this week
A) , who travels a lot, B) who travels a lot C) who travels a lot,

5. Theyre going to stay with their cousins _________ live on a boat.
A) - B) where C) who

6. Where are the flowers _________ I sent you?
A) where B) whose C) -

7. Leo and Rose left the cinema because the film was
A) bored B) boredom C) boring

8. My grandmother _________ living alone so she finds the house very quiet.
A) didnt use to B) used to C) isnt used to

9. My boss really annoys me because she _________ me to work at the weekends.
A) is always asking B) would ask C) asked

10. Maria's got a terrible voice but she _________ at any opportunity.
A) is singing B) would sing C) has sung

11. Do you remember when Mum and Dad _____ take us camping and it ______ always rain?
A) - / used to B) are used to / will C) used to / would

12. It was only in Australia for a week so he _______ seen a lot.
A) shouldn't have B) couldnt have C) might have

13. Although it was kind, they __________bought us a housewarming present.
A) couldnt have B) mightnt have C) neednt have

14. If only I _______ school when I was fifteen, I ______ a lot more money.
A) hadnt left / ’d earn B) dont leave / wont earn C) left / ’d earn

15. If I _______a lot of money, Id retire.
A) win B) won C) had won

16. Sometimes they both wish they ________ married so young.
A) didn't get B) dont get C) hadnt got

17. Dont you wish we _______ ten years ago?
A) met B) had met C) meet

18. You cant buy __________ happiness.
A) - B) a C) the

19. Could you get ________ drinks when you go to the shops, please?
A) - B) a C) the

20. It was ________ great film that we saw it twice.
A) what a B) her only C) such a

21. Tonys daughter has his red hair but ______ of his sons look like him.
A) both B) each C) neither

22. Sorry, but I dont know what you are getting _____.
A) on B) at C) over

23. Come in from the rainyoure ________ soaking.
A) quite B) very C) absolutely

24. Jorn spends all his time complaining. I wish hed just ________.
A) find a life B) get a life C) change the life

25. Lucy ______ well with her brother, even though hes much younger than her.
A) gets over B) gets up C) gets on

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